
Tha rEal SpiCy eXp-vol 1

zavez peut etre remarqué.... ya une petite playlist sul' coté... ------------------------------------>
si vous aimez les morceaux, eh bien je vous propose de vous l'approprier...
rendez vous dans les commentaires...
enjoy !!!

PS : le Vol.2 est en préparation... revenez bientôt..... ;-))

from the playlist on this side ------------------------------------>
if you like me, meet me in the comment..
enjoy !!!

PS: i'm already on the Vol.2... come back soon...

7 commentaires:

Juicy a dit…


comment appreciated,

Oufar-Khân a dit…

Dis donc, pour se remettre un peu au français, le morceau de Black Sabbath m'a, pour parler simplement, troué le cul!!
Bien cette petite compil, puis en finissant sur du hiphop, tu te doutes qu'avec moi c'était gagné!

Anonyme a dit…

Agréable mélange...

Jean batiste G

Miss F a dit…

This is a fabulous album, thanks so much, Juicy~~

the best track for me is "I need a sight" by CORTEX~!~~~~I keep listening to it over&over. it's so groovy and the melody and lyrics are amazing.

for me, all the tracks in this comp. are superb except for the last few rap songs near the end. But I guess I should listen to them again...

thanks so much, juicy.

Unknown a dit…

again i wanna say that this is my favorite sunday morning albuM, i really love it. esp. "It's a long way" by Caetano Velos0

Juicy a dit…

it's a pleasure to here so much good thing...
what may i expect more than :
this is my favorite sunday morning albuM or This is a fabulous album...

i'm happy to share !!!!

Miss F a dit…

darn love this aLbum so much, the beauty has never faded, since I posted my comments a long time ago!!!

my friends and I go crazy when we hear that song I need a sight by Cortex, it's just amazing.

thanks again!